It’s located about 6 km’ssouth Al-Turbah town. The area underlain by basement rocks comprise of genesis, graniticgneiss and amphibolite. The ferruginous cretaceous sandstones are unconformity overlying gabbro. The relationship between cretaceous and younger cover rocks to west and north is often marked by increased alteration within the sandstone. The thickness of gabbro is 800 metres and it is fine-grained texture and has transition zones of schist facesin the north side of the body.
lead 1% - 14%
Zinc 0.1% 0.26%
Silver 1 g/t -52 g/t
Copper 0.9% - 0.1%
Gold 30 ppb - 330 ppb
Nickel0.075% - 0.72%
Chrome 0.12% - 0.06%
Ferric Oxide Fe2 O3 % - 49.5 %
Phosphor 5% - 52%
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