This area is located in south-east and south-west of AlRahedahcitywhich extend in 12 kilometers, starting from the east of Dhmaranareauntil the west of Al-Zabarah. These areas covered with units of rocks of Migmatitesand gneiss rocks that consisting of amphiboles gneiss rocks - quartz - Biotite gneiss - graphite gneiss) and theserocksare overlaps with Amphibolite rocks where can be cuttingbyunstablegabbro, granite and Diorite rocks.
Copper 1% - 9%
Gold 0.25 g/t – 3 g/t
Silver 1 g/t – 31 g/t
Nickel0.1 g/t – 0.3 g/t
Chrome 0.09% - 0.18%
Thorium> 1, 000 g/t
Barium 1,960 g/t
Cerium> 10,000 g/t
Iron 40% - 43%
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